25 Years of Sharing

It started as a dream - implausible by some reckoning - that a group of dedicated people, without government or foundation funds, without, as we were recently scolded, having "any business doing what they are doing," could create a space for people experiencing homelessness in Duluth to find shelter and a measure of dignity and community. In 1989, Angie Miller and the late Steve O'Neil moved their family into a house on Jefferson Street and opened the doors wide to people in need, from war refugees to economic refugees to victims of domestic violence. People stepped forward by the hundreds to volunteer, help pay the bills, and serve food. Two more houses, a free bike shop, and 25 years later it is still going on.
This is a story that all of you are part of, in one way or another. We would be thrilled if you would join us to celebrate our anniversary and the beautiful community of support that makes it all possible!
Loaves and Fishes 25th Anniversary Block Party
Saturday, August 23rd
3-7pm 1600 Block of Jefferson Street
potluck dinner * live music * screen-printing * kids games * henna * face painting * slowest bicycle race * maypole dance * bake sale * open house * and more!
What to bring:
a dish to share for the potluck, if you are able
a plain shirt to screen print your very own anniversary tee
some cash or a checkbook, because the guys at DD House are holding a bake sale to benefit Loaves and Fishes!
stories from Loaves and Fishes past