Donna Howard July 3, 1946 - July 30, 2022
It is with profound grief that we share the news that Donna Howard, our dear community mate and founder of the Olive Branch, has died. We...

The Warming Center needs your help!
The Warming Center is a safe night time space for people who are experiencing homelessness or stranded during Duluth’s cold winter...

Homeless Person's Bill of Rights Coalition speaks out against court order to reinstate abusive p
STATEMENT BY THE HOMELESS PERSON"S BILL OF RIGHTS COALITION - JANUARY 3. 2019 On May 21st, 2017 Officer Adam Huot of the Duluth Police...

Statement on proposed public financing of luxury apartments
Duluth is one of the least affordable places in Minnesota to find housing. A minimum wage earner has to work 64 hours a week to afford an...

Prisoners on the Move - How You Can Help
An Introduction to the IWOC I am a member of Twin Cities Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee (IWOC). IWOC is a prisoner-led section...

A Letter to the Bail Industry
The Essie Justice Group is an organization of women with incarcerated loved ones taking on the rampant injustices created by mass...

An Inadequate History of Incarceration
The history of prisons and criminal punishment is the history of some of the most brutal mechanisms of social control. It is also the...

$1 for $1 match for Bike Cave and Dorthy Day House renovations!
December 18, 2017 Dear friends, For more than 28 years, Loaves and Fishes has been a refuge for those in need – from war victims to women...

Coming Soon...
The fall 2017 edition of the Loaves & Fishes Newsletter is headed to the printer tomorrow! We are excited to share some updates with the...